Rent a holiday home in Santa Eulalia

1 Holiday home in Santa Eulalia

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Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain

Wonderful and classic villa in Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain with private pool for 6 persons

Consult Price
  • 6 Villa for 6 Guests
    3 3 Bedrooms Villa
    2 2 Bathrooms  Villa
  • Rating average0 Reviews0,0

Book your holiday home in Santa Eulalia Spain with Poolvillas!

It is important to know that all holiday homes and flats in Santa Eulalia Spain that Pool Villas offers for rent are professionally managed and that we will always provide you with a local service during your stay. Our cleaning and housekeeping services are designed to make your holiday in Santa Eulalia Spain an enjoyable and hassle-free experience.

A holiday home in Santa Eulalia Spain in just a few clicks away, on this website you can book online with instant confirmation. Need more time? Then take a free hold option and we will keep the accommodation free for you, so you have time to book flights or holiday planning.

Santa Eulalia - Ibiza - Spanje

Santa Eulalia (Catalan: Santa Eulària des Riu) is a coastal town on the south eastern seaboard of Ibiza. It is the third largest town on the island and named after the only river on Ibiza which flows into the sea at the western end of the town.
The town is 9.3 miles (15.0 km) north east of Ibiza Town and 13.6 miles (21.9 km) of Ibiza Airport. It sits next to a wide bay with the promontory of Punta Arabí at the eastern end of the Bay. Also at the eastern end of the bay is new harbour, mariner called Puerto Esportivo, which is full of restaurants, shops and bars. The town has two beaches which are kept clean and tidy and have gently sloping sands, which makes them ideal for young families.

There are two Hippy Markets which attract large numbers of tourists and locals: Punta Arabi, located in Es Canar runs all day every Wednesday from April through October. The most famous one, Las Dalias, near San Carlos, runs all day every Saturday, throughout the year. Las Dalias also has a "Night Market" which runs Monday and Tuesday evenings from June through September.
